Friday, October 31, 2014

Stage Set design in a Flash!

This past weekend, on the day before of the Hispanic Festival, the committee in charge realized that last year's stage-set not only wasn't available, but it didn't exist anymore! After some panicking moments, they asked me for some help.


  I created this emergency giant drawing with spray paint and lots of craft paper.

 A team stayed with me for 5-6 hrs. After the first 2 hrs. the fumes were really bad! With some help and a lot of up and downs from the ladders, we finished; it was past midnight.

 At the end we cleaned up all the green dust from the stage floor, and with a good shower all the green hair came back to normal. It was really fun!! 

The green area was created on purpose, I didn't want to have a busy background since it would distract too much. This way, the dances have a nice green on the back and the dome of the "Spanish-style church" appears through the vegetation. It is like having a dance party on the outer of one city by the high mountains range.